Architectural Journal



Kohuno INR Crinic

A study on the influence of street spatial configuration on changing of high-density traditional housing district in Bukchon Seoul, Korea
Architectural Institute of Japan, Transactions of AIJ. Journal of architecture, planning and environmental engineering80 (709) pp527-536, 2015.03
A study on the Influence of Conservation of Courtyard House in the Historical Environment: The case study of Nanluoguxiang district of Beijing, China,
Architectural Institute of Japan, Transactions of AIJ. Journal of architecture, planning and environmental engineering77 (680) pp527-536, 2015.03

A study on the Role of Outdoor Space by the Analysis of Extended House and Furniture in High-Density village, ‘Zhuzifang’, China
Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Vol.27 No.1 (Serial No.267) pp173~182,2011.01

Annual Report
9211 中国・上海旧式里弄住宅地における住居群の構成と空間利用の研究-道と住宅の仕組みから見る居住地域の持続性について)
Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 421-422

14065 静岡理工科大学建築学科棟 えんつりー 社会との接点となる地域の縁側
Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 130-131

SIST Architecture Department Bldg ~Engawa that connects society~静岡理工科大学建築学科棟 社会との接点となる地域の縁側
 Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 216-271
14048 Nobi-Nobi House(part1) Feature of the house
(Nobi-Nobi HOUSE~重ね着するすまい(その1) : 背景と建築概要)
Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 96-97
14049 Nobi-Nobi House(part2) Feature of the house
(Nobi-Nobi HOUSE~重ね着するすまい(その2) : 提案住宅の特徴)
Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 98-99
●14103 Design research on the prototype of environmental dwelling and standard specifications as Commercial housing
Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 206~207
5510 A Comparative Study of the Villages in Amami-gunto Tokunoshima : the Environmental Characteristics in the Village and Housing Composition
(奄美群島徳之島における集落構成と空間運営の研究 (その1) : 集落及び住居構成にそなわる環境特性)
Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 1051~1052
5511 A Comparative Study of the Villages in Amami-gunto Tokunoshima : Relationship between Village Composition Formed by Environment and Space Management
5511 奄美群島徳之島における集落構成と空間運営の研究 (その2) :環境調整の仕組みから見る活動形態の比較を通して
Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual report, Page: 1053~1054
14029 The Study on Waiting Space and Arrangement of Outpatient Department of Coming Years in Hospital ~Part2: Creating Shared Space for Staff and Patient
14029 病院におけるこれからの外来部門の構成と待合空間の提案 : その2 : スタッフと患者の共有空間の創出
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 58~59
14093 ProposalontheNextGenerationCityHallasaCoreofaCommunity Through the Project of a City Hall in U city
地域の核としての次世代型市庁舎提案 : U市新庁舎の計画案を通して
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 186~187
5067 診療科別適性待合空間研究 ―行為と場の指向性に見通し度が及ぼす影響に対する横断的評価―
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 157~158
5070 Research on medical effectiveness of visibility in rehabilitation hospitals
(5070 回復期リハビリテーション病院における見通し度の医療的効果について)
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 163~164
5468 A Study of Folklore and Community-structure on Pacific Ocean Coastline in Tohoku Region – In the Case of Tsunami Disaster Reduction in Tanohata, Iwate-
東北地方太平洋沿岸地域における伝承表現と集落構成研究 : 岩手県田野畑村の津波減災から(その1)
 Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 959~960
5469 A Study of Folklore and Community-structure on Pacific Ocean Coastline in Tohoku Region- In the Case of Tsunami Disaster Reduction in Tanohata, Iwate-
東北地方太平洋沿岸地域における伝承表現と集落構成研究 : 岩手県田野畑村の津波減災から(その2)
 Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 951~962
5708 The sustainable and transformation of the traditional Thai dwellings 1 –A case study of the river village, Hua wiang, Thailand
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 1439-1440
タイ高床式住居にみる集落空間の変容と持続性 : 水系集落Hua Wiangを事例として その1
5709 The sustainable and transformation of the traditional Thai dwellings 2–A case study of the river village, Hua wiang, Thailand
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2013 Annual report, Page: 1431-1442
タイ高床式住居にみる集落空間の変容と持続性 : 水系集落Hua Wiangを事例として その2
41240 Effective Method of Reducing the Annual Load in the Urban Environmental Houses
Part1. Architectural Design and Simulation for Sunshine and Cross Ventilation
都市型環境配慮住宅における暖冷房負荷削減手法の検討 : その1 基本プランと日照・通風シミュレーション
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2012 Annual report, Page: 479-480
41241 Effective Method of Reducing the Annual Load in the Urban Environmental Houses
Part 2. Air-conditioning Load and Thermal Environment
都市型環境配慮住宅における暖冷房負荷削減手法の検討 : その2 暖冷房負荷と温熱環境
 Architectural Institute of Japan, 2012 Annual report, Page: 481-482
14019 The proposal of public housing in canditated village for revitalization
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2012 Annual report, Page: 38-39
14049 Proposal of Urban Environment Housing in High-density city 1 Architectural Design Concept
都市密集地における都市型環境配慮住宅の提案 :  その1基本計画
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2012 Annual report, Page: 98-99
14050 Proposal of Urban Environment Housing in High-density city 2-Simulation Analysis
都市密集地における都市型環境配慮住宅の提案 : その2 シミュレーション解析
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2012 Annual report, Page: 100-101
5553 Research on the community form and the space characteristic formed by the concept of feng shui 1-Through the study of the wind and the living environment in Yu Yuan village, China –
風水により形成された集落形態と空間特性に関する研究 :中国兪源村における風環境と住環境の調査を通して その1
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2012 Annual report, Page: 1147-1148
5554  Research on the community form and the space characteristic formed by the concept of feng shui 2-Through the study of the wind and the living environment in Yu Yuan village, China –
風水により形成された集落形態と空間特性に関する研究 : 中国兪源村における風環境と住環境の調査を通して その2
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2012 Annual report, Page: 1149-1150
5546 A study on the Diversity of urban space by preservation and renewal of hutongs in Beijing, China Part 1
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2011 Annual report, Page: 43-44
5547 A study on the Diversity of urban space by preservation and renewal of hutongs in Beijing, China Part 2
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2011 Annual report, Page: 45-46
5597 A study on changes of spaces and usages of Chinese traditional dwelling Yaoton in Yanan, China, part1
中国延安市靠山式窰洞における近代化による空間構成の変容 その1
 Architectural Institute of Japan, 2010 Annual report, Page: 1~2
5598 A study on changes of spaces and usages of Chinese traditional dwelling Yaoton in Yanan, China, part2
中国延安市靠山式窰洞における近代化による空間構成の変容 その2
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2010 Annual report, Page: 3~4
14023 The Fashion museum tower by complex of program, A design for hypercomplex Architecture in high-density city
プログラム複合によるファッションミュージアムタワー : 高密度都市における高層高複合建築に関する設計
Architectural institute of Japan, 2010 Annual report, Page: 46~47
14170 A design for a relationship of space by handling the wall Weekend house in suburbs of Seoul, Korea
壁の操作によって生まれる関係性の設計 : 韓国ソウル郊外の週末住宅
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2010 Annual report, Page: 340~341
6107 Adaptation of architectural space by current of society
現代化による建築空間の変容に関する研究 : 伊根浦漁村集落の保存事例を元に
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2009 Annual report, Page: 613~614
6121 A study on the role ground and space composition in underground courtyard dwelling part1
下沈式窰洞住居の空間構成と地上部の役割に関する研究:中国河南省三門峡市陜県を事例として その1
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2009 Annual report, Page: 641~642
6122A study on the role ground and space composition in underground courtyard dwelling part1
下沈式窰洞住居の空間構成と地上部の役割二関する研究:中国河南省三門峡市陜県を事例として その2
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2009 Annual report, Page: 643~644
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